Orbeez guns bring back childhood memories for many of us. But as parents, it’s natural to worry about your children’s safety, especially regarding new toys. Do Orbeez guns cause injury?

Do Orbeez Guns Hurt?

Well, the short answer is no; the Orbeez gun is safe when used correctly. But let’s explore a little deeper into what makes Orbeez guns unique and what you can do to ensure your child’s safety while playing with them.

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First, it’s important to note that Orbeez guns use water and soft, squishy beads as ammo rather than traditional projectiles like bullets or darts. Therefore, even if someone were to get hit by an Orbeez bead, the impact would be minimal and unlikely to cause any harm.

Is the Orbeez Gun Safe for Kids? Our Testing Results

The Orbeez Gun has been a childhood classic for years, with its colorful, squishy balls and playful cannon design. But as any parent knows, safety is always a top concern. So the question on everyone’s mind is: does the Orbeez Gun hurt? Well, we did some testing of our own, and the verdict is in: Orbeez Guns don’t hurt as much as other toys that are shot out of a cannon. It feels more like a light sting than sharp pain.

CHECK -> What Orbeez gun hurts the most?

Of course, there’s no way to test the Orbeez Gun at a toy store before buying it, so the best way to see it yourself is to try it at home. Remember that Orbeez are squishy, not like a bug or spider sting. So there you have it, a toy that’s fun for kids and gentle on the skin. The Orbeez Gun: the ultimate combination of fun and safety.

The Risks of Using an Orbeez Gun: How Much Hurt Can It Cause?

As Orbeez guns continue to gain popularity, it is important to consider the potential for the hurt they possess. While these playthings may not pack the punch of a real firearm, they can still deliver a painful sting and possibly even cause injury if handled carelessly. So, just how much ouch can an Orbeez gun inflict?

Well, it boils down to how one wields it. If you were to discharge the weapon from proximity, it could certainly smart. The Orbeez projectiles may leave a mark and a throbbing sensation on the skin. On the other hand, if you employ the Orbeez gun from a distance, the impact may not be as severe, but it could still startle or flummox the recipient.

How to Choose a Safe Orbeez Gun: Tips and Recommendations

As you search for the perfect Orbeez gun, you must steer clear of those potentially harmful. With so many available options, it can be overwhelming to determine the safest choice. If you feel unsure, ask a trusted friend or family member for their recommendation.

Safe Orbeez Gun

One thing to remember is to avoid Orbeez guns that use actual pellets or BBs. These types of Orbeez guns have the potential to cause more severe injuries, so it’s best to avoid them altogether. Plenty of Orbeez gun options are safe and fun, so there’s no need to take unnecessary risks.

As you reminisce about the good old days of Orbeez gun fun, prioritize safety in your selections. That way, you can enjoy all the excitement without any unpleasant accidents.

How to Build Orbeez Guns Safely

Old-fashioned Orbeez guns may seem like a blast from the past, but they can still be dangerous if not used properly. Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind when building or using an Orbeez gun:

  • Keep it fake: Orbeez guns are for fake pellets only. Real ammunition can cause serious injury, so always use fake pellets and wear safety glasses when using an Orbeez gun.
  • Protect your floors: If you have a wooden floor, be aware that Orbeez balls can get stuck. If your kids are shooting Orbeez guns onto the floor, it can be dangerous, especially if you have young children.
  • Clean up properly: When cleaning an Orbeez gun, always unplug it and close the top to avoid getting water inside. Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the gun and balls.
  • Supervise your kids: If you’re buying an Orbeez gun for your children, make sure you’re around to supervise their play. The pellets can sting when shot, so there’s a risk of accidental eye injuries if kids shoot Orbeez guns at each other or into objects.
  • Watch out for Fido: When playing with Orbeez, kids may want to shoot the pellets at their pets. Remember that the pellets are tiny and may be hard for your pet to avoid.


Orbeez gun hurts, right?If used properly, they don’t. In conclusion, the Orbeez gun can be a fun and harmless toy when used responsibly. However, it is important to remember that improper usage can lead to injuries, particularly for children. Therefore, following the safety instructions will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience with the Orbeez gun. Whether you have years of experience with this toy or are new to it, it is always important to prioritize safety. 

REF: https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/teen-orbeez-gun-challenge-could-lead-to-injuries-police-say/